Meeting held ABC Auto Community Room, August 2021


Directors attending; Ron Miranda, Secy., Greg


Bova, Info. Officer, Roman Eble, VP., Jack Miranda, Sgt. At Arms.,


John Wetzel, Pres., James Morris, Trea., James Dugger, RSO.


Support Members; Paul Fletcher, Friends of HAWKS, John Bordas,


Webmaster., Mike Briggs, Chaplain


Guests were: Jennifer Griner and her son


Jack Miranda opened the meeting, with the pledges to the U.S. and Texas’ flags, and Mike Briggs offered acknowledgments and a prayer for our shut-in George Brown and Hardy Hamm in the passing of his sister.


James proceeded with the financial report. Dave Koch moved the report be approved, motion carries, unanimously.


Ron was asked for the Secretary’s report. Will update roster to include new members and will send out in the next few weeks. Jack has the service pins

upon your request. Ron requested assistance for Joe Wahielithner should he become Secretary for HAWKS. Ron said he would follow up to see if George had contacted the Winnsboro Health Services. The 9 am. Breakfast is gaining in popularity with 10 this past Wednesday. Ron asked members to contact James Dugger or Doug Grantham regarding brass not cleaned up at the range and to contact himself or Wayne Scott regarding the disposition of door prizes. In conclusion, Ron thanked Rob Tubbs for bringing cookies and the members for their support over the last 9 years he was secretary.


Roman called for the introduction of new members Scott Roeder, Bob Friedman and Craig Lindholm.


Wayne had first drawing winner was Wayne Scott. The second drawing went to John Bordas. Bob Friedman was the third winner. Ron Miranda was a fourth winner. Scott Roeder was the final winner.


Roman reported the last two 7 am. shoots had 24 attendees.

Wayne went over the various programs offered by the NRA.


John Bordas reported that work was continuing on the face book page and the web site. The web site will continue due to the contents contained on it.


No Historian Report.


Officer and Chairman report could not be given as Ed was called away.


Johnny went over current positions up for grabs.


Greg Bova had no report.


Jimmy Chiles went over the VIPs report covering the Labor Day Car Show, where 8 members will be needed. Two members, Joe and Roman, volunteered to join VIPs. No new information on the Gun Show in September.


James Dugger reported 14 shooters started with practice then segwayed into a drill run by Mike Gonyea. This will be continued for the near future.


James reported we had 38 show up for the “HAWKS night out” at the Red Dome restaurant, with the next “HAWKS Night Out” at Jan’s restaurant and grill in Quitman on August 28th., at 5pm. Bring your favorite gal for a great night out and you may bring beer or wine.


Paul Reported at last Wednesday the FotH joined with Richies to donate $500 each to participate in the “Head Start” back pack drive. Minute Man Munitions will provide a gun for an internal raffle to provide scholarships. Paul added there may be a secret donor giving the FotH a $2000 gift if matched by the FotH. The FotH is offering 2 - $25 gift cards to Jan’s restaurant. Tickets will sell for $5 per tickets or 3 for $10.


Wayne was asked to report on continued push to get people to sign up for Texas Law Shield. He and Dave will have a table at the September Gun Show selling guns and ammo and will have TLS membership information.


Under Old Business Dugger and Mike Gonyea will be joined by Wendall and Wayne to get the “Kid Shoot” started.


Under New Business, Johnny reported you can shoot at 8am. To 8:45 then go to the 9 am. Breakfast.


Wayne clarified the rules for joining the WGC and what is expected as far as adhering to their rules. Do not leave the gate open to permit any to enter. Do not share the gate code with non-members, members are expected to wear their membership cards while on range property. The HAWKS will be added to their scheduled event calendar enabling a non-member HAWKS guest to shoot their third time out for a $5 range fee. The range is open to all members of WGC while we are using the range, be respectful.


There will be NO set fee on Wednesday, just contribute what you wish for the “Feed the Cops” and “Toys for Tots” programs.


Some discussion ensued on purchasing suppressors made in Texas and the laws governing them, both state and federal.


The shooting tournament will be held in September 13th for rifles and September 15th for pistols, with a makeup date on September 20th for both. Rules for rim fire, 10 rounds one target, no support, open sights. Center fire 2 targets, 5 rounds each, no support, open sights. Rifles, 30 yds. any scopes, free standing no supports. 100 yds. Front support permitted.


Paul finalized by saying the FotH will present a check at the 7:30 to 8:oo am. group, next Wednesday, so be proud and wear your shirts.


Johnny adjourned the meeting.


Ron Miranda Secretary for HAWKS