- Awarded scholarships to total $40,000 to deserving high school seniors since 2011 with raffle sales and fund raising events.
- Contributed to the Winnsboro VFD Christmas toy drive.
- Volunteered to help with the Annual Winnsboro Classic Car Cruise-In.
- Members attended and volunteered at the National NRA convention in Houston.
- Implemented a Volunteer in Police Service (VIPS) at the invitation of the Winnsboro Police Department.
- Contributed much to the Winnsboro Animal Shelter
- Signed, sealed and delivered get well and sympathy cards to HAWKS friends and family.
- Developed and maintained a comprehensive website
- Conducted eyes and ears surveillance for the Winnsboro Fine Arts Market in November.
- Conducted semi-annual public Familiarization and Safety Training (FAST) with handguns.
- Certified several NRA Range Safety Officers.
- Participated in the 4th of July parade and Christmas parade
- Conducted a pleasurable annual HAWKS Banquet.
- Interfaced with LADY HAWKS in several events.
- Helped direct traffic and kids safely at downtown Halloween event.
- Conducted annual Youth and Family Rim Fire shoots emphasizing safety and marksmanship.
- Recruited members for the NRA and Texas State Rifle Association.
- Set-up and provided eyes and ears for two Chamber of Commerce Gun Shows each year.
- Set-up and helped with the annual Winnsboro Animal Shelter garage sale.
- Safely conducted rifle and pistol tournaments.
- Developed and ratified a comprehensive set of By Laws with the voice and will of all members in mind.
- Developed a transparent financial bookkeeping and reporting system.
- Coffee at local restaurant each and every Wednesday morning.
- Conducted monthly First Thursday Business meetings with outstanding speakers at First National Bank Community Room.
- Encouraged HAWKS participation by selecting HAWK Of The Year from active members.