Minutes for HAWKS’ business meeting for November 5, 2020
Meeting held ABC Auto Community Room
Directors attending; John Wetzel, Pres., Ron Miranda, Secy., Greg Bova, Info. Officer, Roman Eble, VP., James Morris, Trea., Jack Miranda, Sgt. At Arms., James Dugger, RSO.
Absent; George Brown, Webmstr., Mike Briggs, Chaplain,
Support Members; Paul Fletcher, Friends of HAWKS
Present members 27 members and 3 visitors
Johnny declared the November meeting open at 5:30 pm., followed by Jack leading us in the pledge to the U.S. and Texas flags.
Roman followed by filling in for Mike Briggs with the Invocation and the call for prayer for our shut-ins.
Wayne introduced our featured speaker, Jeff Noseworthy former police officer from Maryland in the Annapolis and D.C. areas. Jeff highlighted his career and the decline of the support for police officers in his area. Jeff and his lovely wife, Ruth, now reside in the Como area.
Jeff was followed by Sue from Richie’s Cafe on how they plan to handle our group for our Christmas Party. (details will be emailed for brevity, separately)
Wayne Scott gave a brief call to all veterans and anyone else to participate in the Veteran’s Day car parade, touring all four WISD campuses on Wednesday November 11th.
Treasurer’s report: James asked if everyone received his financial report by email, touched on the “feed the cops” program. He suggested that some of the money be allocated to the “Toys for Tots” program. Dugger moved we accept the financial report, it passed.
There was no Website report:
Secretary’s report: Ron said that Dennis Morey was the benefactor on the items used as door prizes the last few months. Instead of the usual prizes we went to food items in keeping with the Thanksgiving theme which was purchased with the funds derived from the sale of shotgun shells and 7mm magnum shells.
We have reached our goal of $1,000 for a scholarship in Dennis’ honor.
Please sign up for the Christmas Party as we will have entertainment after the meal.
Shipping on shirts and patches are running slow.
Ron promoted the FWAS bingo night on December 12th.
Wayne promoted the new member’s, Mike and David Gonyea and their new store in Quitman
RSO REPORT: James reported about 10 to 12 have been participating in the Wednesday shoots, and the same for the tournament. He then awarded certificates to those present including John Bordas 2nd. Pistol, 3rd. Ken Watts. Center fire pistol, 1st. Bill Rogers, 3rd. Al Andersen, for 30 yd, rifle, 2nd. Al Andersen, 3rd. John Bordas. 100 yds. 2nd. Chuck Knox, 3rd. Rusdon Mills,
HOSPITALITY REPORT: James suggested 4 entrees, vegetables, salad, desert and drink. After discussion items the subject was deferred to Hospitality Committee. Wayne moved the remaining monies be divided $500 for Toys for Tots with the balance going to the Feed the Cops project. Motion carried.
FRIENDS of the HAWKS REPORT: Paul reminded everyone that any donated monies would have a tax deductible certificate given to the donatee. Paul explained the goals of the FotH, and Ron asked if they had any fund raisers planned, Paul said they do not.
No Gun Show Report, Wendall commented that there were a lot of people, some guns, a lot of knives and no ammo.
VIPs REPORT: None as Jimmy Chiles and Doug Grantham both were absent. Johnny asked if anyone would like to enter a float in the Christmas Parade, no response, and the VIPs will need volunteers for the Christmas Parade on December 4th.
There was no new business to bring to the membership, so Johnny declared the meeting closed.
Secretary for HAWKS
Ron Miranda
Minutes for HAWKS’ business meeting for October 2, 2020
President John called the meeting to order at 5:30pm., and confirmed our new Sgt. at Arms, Jack Miranda. Jack proceeded to lead us in both pledges.
Mike Briggs, acknowledged our shut-in’s including Linda Grossel, Ed Hoying’s partner, Zerita Tubbs, Rob’s wife, Dennis Morey, Wendall Hildebrandt, Wayne Scott’s brother-in-law David Lam and Vicki Fletcher, Paul’s wife. Mike continued with the invocation.
John, then introduced James Cash as an honorary life member and patriarch of the club. John, then, presented Mr. Cash with a citation and welcomed him as the HAWKS only honorary, life time member and patriarch.
Ron Miranda introduced Mike and David Gonyea, owners of Minute Man Ordinance in Quitman, Texas. They will be offering guns, ammo, gunsmithing, instructions and eventually plan to manufacture ammunition.
John recalled the meeting to order after eating and suggested a taco night for the next meeting.
Next was the Treasurers Report; James had the financial report for all to inspect. He reported we had $7,061 in the bank at the end of September. James asked that the club add another $200 to $300 to the $1144 collected from the Wednesday shooters for the “Feed the Cops” program. Dugger interjected that we were continuing to collect donations of any amount on Wednesday, to continue the program. Dugger suggested that between now and Christmas the collected monies go to the “Toys for Tots” program sponsored by the WVFD. Morris moved the club donate $200 to $300 to the “Feed the Cops” fund. Ron objected to the proposal because it violated our 501 c/7 status. A lot of discussion ensued. John called for a vote, motion passed with 2 against and several abstentions.
Website Report; was not available. Roman stated he had confirmed with George that the website was current.
RSO Report; James reported that breakfast would be from 7:30 to 8:30 moved to the range and commence shooting at 8:45 to 9:00am., shooting both rifle and pistol. Mike Briggs continued with the competition rules, dates and times.
Rifle competition, Monday, October 12th., at 8:00am.
Pistol competition, Tuesday, October 13th., at 8:00am.
Make-Up will be Saturday, October 17th., at 8:am.
All range rules apply and a standard 10 ring target will be used.
Pistols will be rim fire, 10 rounds, iron sights only, 1 target, 7 yards.
Pistols will be center fire 5 rounds, iron sights only, 2 targets, 7 yards.
Rifle will be any caliber, any sights including scopes, 1 target, 10 rounds, 30 yards, free standing position, slings are permitted.
Rifle will be any caliber, any sights including scopes, 2 targets, 5 rounds each, 100 yards, bench rest.
Friends of the HAWKS Report; Paul Fletcher reported, he and Wendall will restructure the by-laws, the raffle rifle will be purchased, out right for $500. Mike Briggs reported their bank account contained $1331. Wendall reported Winnsboro Hardware Co. would be involved assisting in the scholarship program with a job fair to be held soon. Wendall continued explaining the scholarship program. Ron asked that all HAWKS be invited to the FotH meetings.
Roman presented awards to the following Friends of the HAWKS, Wendall Hildebrandt, Mike Briggs, Johnny Wetzel, George Brown and Wayne Scott for their service to the FotH.
Gun Show Report; Doug was not available, but Johnny said the HAWKS help was not needed and no table would be donated. Table costs are $55 each and Wayne felt we would not get value received by buying a table.
VIPs Report; Jimmy Chiles said VIPs would be needed on 10/10 for a 10k run down town, 10/16 for the Trail Ride Parade, 10/17 Trail Ride, 10/24 is the Antique Car Parade, details are in last week’s newspaper or contact Jimmy Chiles. Johnny gave details on the Car Show and announced the Christmas Parade scheduled for 12/4.
Johnny asked for new business including the purchase of a coffee pot to be left at the Community Room, followed by the Secretaries Report.
Ron explained Article 3.08 of the bylaws and moved that Article 3.08 be amended to;
3.08 Amendment
A member shall not be entitled to vote by proxy. If the member is current and in good standing and cannot physically attend the meeting, where a vote, by the members, is required, due to confinement in a medical facility, residence in excess of 100 miles of the meeting or physically unable to attend due to a confining illness an emailed or mailed via U.S.P.S. ballot is acceptable. The ballot must be received on or before the date the vote is taken.
Ron continued by offering cards on voter information and announced the BoD meeting would move from directly following coffee to 4 to 4:30 pm., on the given Wednesday. The question arose as to continue with speakers or abandon the format. The consensus was to continue as long as the subject was in keeping with our interests. The door prize drawings will continue through the Christmas party and will include the wives for a separate drawing. We still have 28 boxes of 7 mm mag ammo for sale at $12 per box, ($10 if you take it all). The Christmas party will circumvent a meeting in December. The party is scheduled for Thursday December, 3rd., location to be announced. The patches he researched are being offered by Mack Jordan at $3.85 each. Roman moved we buy the patches and give each member one at no charge. Motion carried. Ron was asked to get pricing on window decals.
The first drawing went to James Dugger, the second went to James Morris, the third went to Wendall Hildebrandt, the fourth to Jack Miranda and the final one went to Ken Schwab.
Johnny discussed a meeting with Ricky regarding having the Christmas Party at Camp Deer Run with Richie’s supplying the food.
Johnny thanked the members for their support and asked for suggestions on which direction they wanted the club to go. He asked for assistance on making the HAWKS more visible in the community including support for the Senior Citizen’s Center which suffered fire damage, recently. There will be a benefit for the Center on October 24th., behind the Chamber.
Roman introduced Paul Fletcher as the new President of the Friends of the HAWKS and presented him with a FotH patch.
The meeting was adjourned at 2 hr. and 6 min.
Ron Miranda
Secretary for HAWKS
Minutes for HAWKS’ business meeting for September 3, 2020
Meeting held at ABC Auto Parts / H&R Block Community Room
Directors attending; Wayne Scott, Pres., Ron Miranda, Secy., Greg Bova, Info. Officer, James Morris, Trea., Paul Fletcher VP., Leonard Newman, RSO
Absent; Rob Tubbs, Sgt. At Arms
Support Members; George Brown, Webmaster., Mike Briggs, Chaplain, Roman Eble, Friends of HAWKS, COMMITTEES; James Dugger, Hospitality, Ed Hoying, Nominating, Leonard Newman, Shooting,.
Attending were 38 members and three guests, Tracy Hopkins, Jan Mills and Sue Hamm who were the presenters.
President Wayne opened the meeting with the U.S. pledge and the Texas pledge, followed by recognizing all the members, friends and relatives that are ill or recovering. Wayne offered a special prayer for the wife of Jim Hasslinger, friend and former HAWKS member, who passed away this past week. Before moving to the elections and business portion of the meeting, he introduced the three panel members all of which are members of the Winnsboro Community Foundation who addressed the group on Grants, applying for Grants and where to find these funds. A separate report will be issued on their presentation. It might be noted here that Roman Eble announced he had received a $1,000 pledge from Winnsboro Hardware to the Friends of the HAWKS scholarship drive.
After a question and answer session, and refreshment period, Wayne moved into the business meeting asking for a Treasurer’s Report. James reported we have $7,132 in the bank and that the complete financial picture has been made available for the members to check. James Dugger was asked to report on the Shooting Committee’s recommendation on how to disperse the funds created by the weekly shoots. In light of all the pressures heaped upon the police departments, lately, they felt it would be appreciated if we revived the “feed the cops” program with Tino V’s and Richies and apply the $1,144, split equally between the two restaurants. Danny O’Hara moved the proposal be accepted. Motion passed. Wayne , then recommended that both restaurants be invited to meet at City Hall and have pictures taken with the Chief of Police and submitted to the local paper. Dugger, in addition suggested we continue to have a donation bucket at the range and continue to donate for what ever need might arise.
The Secretary was asked for his report. Ron noted that no set time had been adopted for shooting or eating on Wednesday, that it was at your discretion. Ron brought up the gun show, sponsored by the American Legion, asked for help for Doug. The show is scheduled for October 10th and 11th and will be held in the Carroll Green Auditorium in Quitman (behind the Dairy Queen in Hogg Park).
Please keep in mind it is recommended that we stay non-political, even though I could find nothing in the IRS Data book or our by laws that spells out we must remain non-political, however, it might be in our best interest to remain neutral. George reminded us that anything to do with guns, ammo and control or abolishing the second amendment is fair game.
Ron reminded us there is NO penalties for paying your dues late and, finally, challenged the Hospitality Committee to begin work on a location and menu for our annual Christmas get-together, the first Thursday in December. It was commented that Richies may have remodeled us out of their place for Christmas, but that will be up to HC to decide.
Wayne started the door prize drawing with George Brown getting first pick.
Wayne asked Doug to explain the WGC range rules regarding the order of RSO selection and how the red light works when determining a hot or cold range. He, also, expounded on common courtesies when sharing the range.
Roman was asked to report on the FotH and said the raffle for the rifle was still going on with a goal of 50 tickets at $10 each. The money will go into the Ken Pescod Scholarship fund.
Jack Miranda was the second door prize winner.
Doug returned to report on VIPs with a request for additional help for the car show. Jimmy Chiles added that no new information was received on Hooves and Halos. One of the members mentioned that the event might have been canceled due to Covid-19.
Wayne started the vote for the three positions. The vote was taken by written ballot. The first vote was for RSO, candidates were Leonard Newman or James Dugger.
Johnny Wetzel was the third door prize winner.
The second vote was for Vice President between Rob Tubbs, Jack Miranda was asked to run but he, respectfully, declined, Roman Eble was, also, nominated from the floor and accepted the nomination.
The third vote was for President between Greg Bova and Johnny Wetzel, who accepted the nomination.
Paul Fletcher was the fourth door prize winner.
Ron asked if the members would like to buying more patches and decals for the car windows. The members preferred the original insignia over the newer hawk.
James Dugger was elected RSO, Roman Eble was elected Vice President and Johnny Wetzel was elected President.
Picture was taken for publication of elected officers and prize winners.
Secretary for HAWKS
Ron Miranda
Minutes for HAWKS’ business meeting for Aug. 6, 2020
Meeting held at ABC Auto Parts / H&R Block Community Room
Directors attending; Wayne Scott, Pres., Ron Miranda, Secy., Greg Bova, Info. Officer, James Morris, Trea., Rob Tubbs, Sgt. At Arms.,
Paul Fletcher VP., Leonard Newman, RSO
Absent; all directors present
Support Members; George Brown, Webmaster., Mike Briggs, Chaplain, Roman Eble, Friends of HAWKS, COMMITTEES; James Dugger, Hospitality, Ed Hoying, Nominating, Leonard Newman, Shooting, Scholarship,.
33 members and one guest, Danny O’Hara’s son, attended
Wayne opened the meeting, as members finished their Angelo’s pizza, by asking Rob to lead us in the pledges to the U.S. and Texas. Mike followed with a long list of prayers for shut-ins including 15 friends and members.
Wayne, then, introduced Kelly Cole, the Sheriff elect of Wood County who laid out his plans to improve service and reduce response time of the deputies in the field. Sheriff elect Cole is very much in favor of citizens right to legally carry a firearm and welcomed the HAWKS’ assistance in a riot situation, should it occur.
Leonard explained the flashing red light when arriving at the range and when it is turned off. He went on to cover basic safety rules that we should know and follow. He went on to chastise himself for touching James Dugger’s gun whe guys were down range.
Wayne had first drawing of the night, Roman was the first winner.
Treasurer’s report, no questions were asked of James.
Wayne asked the Sheriff elect to draw the second name, that of Greg Bova for the second winner.
George was asked for webmaster report, who asked for any content to be added to the website. James had sent old pictures of HAWKS’ events.
Ron was asked for Secretaries’ report and his list included, asking George to adjust prayer page.
The Board voted to not fund the c/3 from dues but pledged to help in any way we could, raise funds for the c/3s use.
The Board settled on recommending an 8 am shooting time and a 9 am breakfast time allowing one hour for casual shooting.
The Board was asked to consider dropping the $3 gift fee for shooting on Wednesday morning, as it was not bringing in any new shooters. The Board agreed with the request and it passed by 4 to 1 the idea of charging $3 at the shoot. The existing amount accrued would be spent on the qualifying shooters. In addition the Board approved a request to appropriate a percentage of the dues and buy prizes for a drawing to be held at the Christmas Party for the entire club. That motion was tabled until the September meeting.
At the September meeting the club will vote on a new President, Vice President and confirm a reappointment of the R.S.O. The board will appoint a replacement for the Sgt. at Arms and Information Officer. All positions will be effective immediately.
The F.A.S.T. program has been tabled until January or February, 2021 due to the Covid-19 virus.
At a meeting on August 4th , it was suggested that the HAWKS would create a scholarship committee with the responsibility of vetting candidates, selecting winners and determining the amount to be awarded. The Friends of the HAWKS would be responsible for raising funds for those scholarships. This meeting was informal and attended by Johnny Wetzel, Roman Eble, James Morris, Greg Bova, Ed Hoying, Ron Miranda and Dennis Morey.
September will be the time to restructure or recreate new committees.
I would encourage all members to join Texas Law Shield in Lieu of what transpired in St. Louis and Austin, in the past weeks. The lawyers associated with Texas Law Shield specialize in law involving a fire arm.
Ed Hoying announced that Greg Bova is a candidate for President, Rob Tubbs is running for Vice President with Leonard Newman asking to be returned as R.S.O. In addition he emphasized any member in good standing can run for an office.
Wayne announced the Chamber had offered two tables for HAWKS’ use at the gun show scheduled for September 18th,19th & 20th and Johnny confirmed two tables. The inmates are on lock down and will NOT be available to help with set up or tear down. In addition there is a car show scheduled for Labor Day weekend (Saturday, Sept 5th at the depot)
Ed Hoying recognized Wayne Scott and Paul Fletcher for their service to the club for the past two years.
Jimmy Doonan won the third door prize.
Jimmy Chiles was asked for a report on VIPs who referred to Doug Grantham and he offered the VIPs for Autumn Trails and the Cruise In and asked for more advanced notice than they had last year. Farmers Insurance dropped American Legion for sponsoring gun shows and raffles. Jimmy added that the Attorney General of New York state has filed a suit to desolve the NRA, where by President Trump suggested the NRA move to Texas.
Leonard Newman drew the fourth winning number for a door prize.
Wayne reminded the group to vote in the September your dues must be paid by the end of August.
Ken Schwab drew the final winning door prize ticket.
Wayne reported on the Friends of the NRA banquet held this past Saturday night which raised $70,000 and Doug announced the Friends of NRA would have another banquet this Saturday night in Sulphur Springs.
Efton Edwards announced that Mr. James Cash, our unofficial patriarch, is doing well for 93 but is loosing weight which is a concern to Mr. & Mrs. Edwards which are the care givers for him. He would appreciate a phone call just to say hi and we’re thinking of you.
James Dugger asked if we liked the pizza served and got a rousing cheer.
Jimmy Miller further endorsed Sheriff elect Kelly Cole saying he was an honest and hard working law man.
Roman Eble gave his report on the Friends of the HAWKS echoing what was discussed at Dennis Morey’s house and said they had a meeting yesterday morning and realized the two entities had a communication gap, which is being remedied. The FotH will have their annual meeting in November to elect new officers and set the direction for their group. They will elect a new Chairman who will work hand in glove with the Scholarship Committee; He, then, introduced a new raffle on a .308 rifle with ammo, they will sell 50 tickets at $10 each ticket, drawing will be as soon as the tickets are sold. The Chamber will pay $500 for a security contingency at the gun show. Additional ideas to raise money was discussed and will take place in the coming year. Both groups said they would like to keep Dennis Morey involved as long as his health permits.
Wayne asked if there was anything further for the good of the club, with no response, the meeting was closed.
Ron Miranda
Secretary for HAWKS
JULY 2020
Minutes for HAWKS’ business meeting for July 2, 2020
Meeting held at ABC Auto Parts / H&R Block Community Room
Directors attending; Wayne Scott, Pres., Ron Miranda, Secy., Greg Bova, Info. Officer, James Morris, Trea., Rob Tubbs, Sgt. At Arms.,
Absent; Paul Fletcher VP., Leonard Newman, RSO
Support Members; George Brown, Webmstr., Mike Briggs, Chaplain, Roman Eble, Friends of HAWKS
22 Members and 2 guests, Jimmy Doonan and Brenda Morey
Wayne opened the meeting at the new time of 5:30 pm., instead of six , then called on Rob to lead the members in the pledges to the U.S. and Texas’ flags. Mike Briggs followed with a call for prayers for members and friends who are ill or healing. Members Dave Koch, Dennis Morey, Ken Goodson, friends Terry Oertwig’s wife, Cherry, and Jan Gold were included in prayers, followed by a reading and the Invocation.
Wayne asked the nominating committee be reinforced as due to health reasons he would not seek re-election as President of HAWKS.
The next speaker was James Morris with the financial report and he reported two reports were issued one on June 30 and July 1 with the second one being current and accurate. He, then asked for any questions, being none, he introduced our speaker, member and Wood County Sheriff, Tom Castloo. Tom discussed a situation where a resident of Holly Lake Ranch had a difference of opinion with him and has been using social media to air his grievance with the Sheriff. The Sheriff made it clear that the state constitution was being followed in this case and that is what guided his office. He went on to discuss other items he was addressing while in office.
Wayne proceeded with the first drawing for the night’s winner was Robb Tubbs.
He then, continued with safety instructions on how to clear malfunctions, safely. The second drawing picked Ron Miranda. Discussion continued regarding the call of “CEASE FIRE” if a malfunction occurs, which was agreed on and should become a policy when we are at the range in mass.
Ron was next with the Secretary’s report. He announced that dues would be collected next month and a check would be preferred over cash, for James to keep a better accounting of it.
F.A.S.T. is gaining in interest and popularity and the HAWKS should consider one for October or November. Presenters and coaches will be needed. Continuing it is difficult to gauge whether the “door prizes and pizza” is working due to the pandemic that is keeping many of us in our homes. Membership remains at 61 members. Like Wayne’s announcement to step down, Ron, also, announced he would NOT seek another term as Secretary.
Wendall was asked for a Friends of HAWKS report and stated that other than presenting the scholarship to the young man from Como Pickton High School, nothing was on theplanning table. When asked if they had a plan to fund future scholarships, he replied that they were depending on donations from the HAWKS as in the past.
Wayne won the next drawing.
The fourth winner was James Dugger.
Jack Miranda was the next winner.
Jeff Paddock won the next drawing.
Paul Lovier was the next winning.
Jimmy Miller was the next winner.
Ken Watts was the next winner.
Greg Bova was the next winner.
Ken Schwab was the next winner.
Wayne announced that the VIPs may be needed for parades and Autumn Trails.
James Dugger announced that the next meeting we would have pizza and the meeting would be here unless otherwise notified.
Meeting was adjourned
Ron Miranda
Secretary for HAWKS
JUNE 2020
Meeting held at City Park
Directors attending; Wayne Scott, Pres., Ron Miranda, Secy., Greg Bova, Info. Officer, Paul Fletcher VP., James Morris, Trea., Rob Tubbs, Sgt. At Arms.
Absent; Leonard Newman, RSO
Support Members; George Brown, Webmstr., Mike Briggs, Chaplain, Roman Eble, Friends of HAWKS
Present 26 members and 5 guests
Pres. Wayne opened the meeting by asking Rob Tubbs to lead us in the U.S. and Texas pledges, followed by Mike Briggs offering prayers for Dennis Morey and any other members that may be hurting. He followed with the invocation.
The pizza was delivered and we ate before moving forward.
Secy. Ron gave a short history of Dennis Bowman’s tenure with the HAWKS and invited Diane Bowman to draw the winning ticket for the Henry Golden Boy rifle and rack that was hand made by Al Andersen from exotic woods. The winning ticket was purchased by Lee Moore of Tennessee and longtime HAWK’S member. Danny O’Hara has a trip planned to visit Lee and Ann this summer, Covid – 19 willing.
Sheriff Tom Castloo was given the floor to promote early voting, June 29 through July 10th, with Election Day, July 14th. He said the only race to be decided was that of Sheriff and in precinct one a commissioner’s race.
Wayne went on to comment on the times we live in and several members had questions and comments for the Sheriff.
The winner of the first drawing which included a rifle with bayonet was Jimmy Miller.
Wayne explained that Officer Ryan Rockett of the Longview PD had to beg off as a speaker for this evening due to current conditions in the various cities.
James Morris was asked for a Treasurer’s Report and said there was not too much activity to date, but did present a check for $1,000 to Mike Briggs, Treasurer for the FOTH in the name of Dennis Bowman. A financial report will be sent to the members in the next few days.
Wendall gave us an update on the culling and final selection of a student from Como-Pickton High School, who will be going to Welding School at Paris Junior College. Wendall added that four other applications were received from Germany and Russia and were determined to be scams.
Secretary Ron read a card from Diane Bowman to the HAWKS shortly after Dennis’ passing. Ron has a list of the range managers from last year and is encouraging them to continue but also needs additional managers to help Leonard. Please email Ron at
Chuck Louttit was the second door prize winner and got to select ammo.
Jimmy Chiles was asked to report on VIPs and said up to the present not much had been going on as Hooves and Halos and other events had been cancelled for 2020. The Friends of NRA Banquet has been postponed twice and have a definite date, of November 3rd, however, Johnny Wetzel added that there would be a Fourth of July event and, possibly, a rodeo.
James Dugger was the third door prize winner.
Wayne said there is still no decision on when we will be able to utilize the community room at First Nat. Bank.
Ken Schwab was the winner of the fourth door prize drawing.
James Dugger asked if it was too early to plan a “HAWKS’ night out” at the Barrel House and most thought it was, so we will wait for a month or two, before trying to schedule one.
Ron announced we would try to reschedule poker night for the third Thursday in July, and will notify everyone by email.
Wayne closed the meetings
Ron Miranda
The May business meeting was canceled, due to the crona virus scare, so there are no minutes to publish.
The April business meeting was canceled, due to the crona virus scare, so there are no minutes to publish.
Minutes for HAWKS’ business meeting for March 5, 2020
Meeting held at First National Bank
Directors attending; Wayne Scott, Pres., Ron Miranda, Secy., Greg Bova, Info. Officer
Absent; Leonard Newman, RSO, Paul Fletcher VP.
Support Members; George Brown, Webmstr., Mike Briggs, Chaplain, Roman Eble, Friends of HAWKS
Attendance was 31 members and 1 guest
Wayne opened the meeting with the pledges, Mike followed with the Invocation and a prayer for Christi Tubbs, Dennis Morey, Jodi Cox and the Pescod Family.
The Pizza was delivered on time and we broke for dinner.
Ken Schwab reported on his meeting with Jay and Jan Gorman for our possible second dinner at Jan’s Grill in Quitman, however, it looks like they may not be able to get to our price point, thus eliminating them from this endeavor.
Billy Ray Jones gave a report on an event at the Gus Garrison Masonic Lodge for their 1st. Annual Five Stand and Trap Shoot.
Ken Watts replaced Leonard Newman as our featured speaker and relayed many of his experiences in law enforcement and security both domestically and abroad.
Treasurer’s Report, was given by Wayne who reported we had a balance in the black with shooter money separate. The Board has been working with the Hospitality Committee to increase attendance and recruit new members by offering incentives to attend. One is furnishing a light dinner before the business of the club is presented. In addition, a member has donated guns and ammunition to be given away at each meeting through a drawing. Wayne recognized the Hospitality Committee for their hard work by setting this in motion. The first winner is Rusdon Mills who was given the opportunity to select first.
Abby Lovier was next to offer her cake program to raise money to pay off debts for the WHS Band. She was offering four different types of cake.
Website Report, nothing new to report.
Secretaries Report, Ron began with a plea for someone to step up and do the Treasurer’s position. The donor of the guns and ammunition, specifically, said this was to be a give away and not to be used by anyone for fund raising. The purpose for this program is to increase attendance of members and prospective members. He finished with a description of the Ritter’s dogs and asking the members to pole their friends about taking these dogs.
No Range Report; RSO absent
Friends of HAWKS Report; Roman reported on their current fund situation, said they had two prospective recipients and asked for all HAWKS get involved in raising money for their scholarship program.
Wayne reported the Chamber’s gun show for this spring had been canceled until September.
VIP’s Report; Jimmie Chiles reported on the Hooves and Halo’s event for this year. He said the event planners have asked for 12 more volunteers for their event. This event will be Thursday, March 26th., and if for kids with special needs.
Wayne announced the Friends of NRA banquet and auction will be March 21st., and that it is reported that all the sponsor tables have been sold.
The four drawings winners, for this month, were Rusdon Mills, Chuck Louttit, Dale Rockett and Cleatus Brisco.
Hospitality Report; James Dugger asked if you have not registered to go with the group at “HAWKS Night Out” on March 21st., please contact James at
Ken Schwab reported that the prices they got, so far, from Jan’s in Quitman was too high to be considered for our second banquet.
Having no more business, Wayne closed the meeting.
Ron Miranda, Secretary for HAWKS
Minutes for HAWKS’ business meeting for February 6, 2020
Meeting held at First National Bank
Directors attending; Wayne Scott, Pres., Rob Tubbs Sgt. At Arms, Ron Miranda, Secy., Paul Fletcher, VP.
Absent; Greg Bova, Info. Officer, Leonard Newman, RSO
Support Members; George Brown, Webmstr., Mike Briggs, Chaplain, Roman Eble, Friends of HAWKS
Attendance was 20 members and 1 guest
Rob Tubbs opened the meeting with both pledges, followed by Mike Briggs, giving the invocation and Prayer requests for Ken and Sandy Pescod, Rush Linbaugh, Dennis Morey, Jack Miranda, Jimmy Chiles and Ken Goodson and asked for prayers and support for our President who is constantly battling evil.
With the absence of our speaker, Jim Morgan and back-up Leonard Newman, Wayne filled in with a dissertation on where to and not to carry open or consealed.
Paul Fletcher followed with possibilities on how to use the $3 collected at the Wednesday shoots. He explored the use of reducing the donation to $1 and using that monies for the purchase of targets, waving the fee’s altogether, having those who preferred just giving a direct donation to the FoH. Discussion ensued on the subject. Ron moved that this subject be tabled until next meeting, motion passed.
The Treasurer’s Report was presented by Wayne, who again asked, no begged for someone to step up and take this position. He reported on our bank balance and expenditures.
The Website report, George invited anyone who wishes to submit a story, article, monograph or pictures do so to him to be posted on the Newsletter page, as the Minutes of this and any following meetings will be on a separate page. (No politics, please)
The Secretaries’ report followed and Ron began with Dennis Morey’s request for a Nine year service pin. He asked for a motion for or against the nine year pin. Ron said the pin would cost each member $3 per pin, then followed by saying Morey had contacted him and said he had it handled. Paul moved that we do multiples of five, and use up the existing pins and not replace any other than a 5, 10 and 15 etc. etc. Motion carried.
Ron announced Casino Night is this Saturday and he had tickets for sale.
Poker Night is scheduled for February 20th. at Miranda’s Man Cave, all are invited, shuffling and dealing begin about 5:30.
Thanks to James Dugger for making us aware of the wild game supper this past Monday night. It was a great success, If you see Don Hightower be sure to thank him for his efforts in making this event an annual favorite.
We are, currently, working on the sign up sheet by hand as my two computers are NOT compatible with each other.
He then read two thank you notes, one from Angela Albers, our current DA, for our involvement in the past Candidate Forum, the other from Jay McClendon for our members watching their store and homes while they attended Jay’s wife’s funeral. Steve Williams announced several forums would be held through out the area and advised we get as much information as we can on each candidate.
The FoH report was given by Roman Eble, announcing their bank balance and that Wendall is in charge of fund raising. Another meeting is scheduled for this month. A donation was received by Roman from the Chamber of Commerce for the Scholarship fund and Wayne turned over another amount from the proceeds from the sale of table space for member’s guns.
Thank Ricky for the purshase of the HAWKS’ mugs. These can be personalized for $15 and you can keep the mug with the profits going to the Scholarship fund. Ron asked if anyone had looked into applying for grant money. Wendall opposed this as not reaping the benefits for the effort expended.
Wayne announced “Hooves and Halos” will need VIPs help for their upcoming event on Thursday March 26th., and he will have info sent on to Jimmy Chiles.
The Candidate Forum went very well the City put on with approximately 195 people attended, and complimented Craig Lindholm for his involvement in running the event.
Roman announced that the Friends of HAWKS Foundation is now a member of the Winnsboro Chamber of Commerce.
James Dugger announced the Chamber will host a gun show on March 13, 14, and 15th. and will need HAWKS’ involvement as in the past. Jimmy Chiles will be asked to handle the sign up sheet.
Rob announced he has 2,5,7 and 8 year pins for anyone who qualifies for them.
A Night Out is planned for next month at the White Oak Buffet on Hwy. 69 north of I-30 for March 19th. James will fill in any additional information.
Meeting was adjourned
Ron Miranda Secretary for HAWKS
Minutes for HAWKS’ business meeting for January 9, 2020
Meeting held at First National Bank
Directors attending; Wayne Scott, Pres., Rob Tubbs Sgt. At Arms, Greg Bova Info Officer, Leonard Newman R.S.O.
Absent; Ron Miranda Secy., Paul Fletcher V.P. George Brown, Webmstr.
Support Members; Billy Ray Jones acting Chaplain, Wendall Hildebrandt, Friends of HAWKS, Jimmy Chiles, V.I.P.s
Attendance was 25 members and 2 guests
Rob Tubbs opened the meeting with both pledges, followed by Billy Ray Jones giving the invocation and Prayer requests for Ron Miranda, Ken Pescod, Dennis Morey, Christi and Zerita Tubbs, the mother of Cleatus Brisco, and Victoria Fletcher in addition asked for prayers and support for our President who is constantly battling evil.
Wayne introduced member Leonard Newman who spoke on his gun collection and his carry preferences including his method of carry. Leonard is a 40 year veteran of law enforcement and education in law enforcement.
Wayne, then announced no Treasurer report due to the abrupt resignation of Ron Smth, but that we had $5,436+ in the bank, less $650 to Richie’s for our annual Christmas dinner. We still have a deposit or two for our Wednesday shoot to be added to the total. He then explained how the $3 is used for prizes at the end of the shooting year, or can be donated to the scholarship fund at the shooter’s preference.
Wayne asked for suggestions for a start time for breakfast so we could all eat together. James Morris added that consideration should be given to Richie’s by eating as a group instead of dribbling in all morning long. Chuck injected that we could go to breakfast early then go to the range and be ready to shoot at 8 am. This would mean eating from 6 am on. James added Ron Miranda suggested eating from 7:30am. And leave for the range when finished. Additional comments were aired.
A motion was made by Chuck to assemble at the range at 7:30 am., however, Wendal amended the motion to include an either or and asked for a vote. Option one was eat early then be at the range by 8am. Option two was eating leisurely at that point pandemonium broke out.
Leonard called for a definitive vote on two options, that being eat at 7:30am. followed by shooting, the second being go to the range by 8am. followed by breakfast. 13 voted for option one, 7 voted for option two.
Bill Ray moved the treasurer’s report be accepted as read no second.
Wayne went over the “Candidate Forum” for January 21st. At the City Auditorium at 5:30 pm. Craig Lindholm will moderate and work from pre-approved questions. Please put this on Facebook, if you have it available.
Wayne reminded all that early voting begins Feburary 18th. thru the 28th. With the general election is March 3rd.
Roman was asked for a Friend’s of HAWKS report and said we had a good year and have plans to increase funding. We, currently have about $2,000 in the bank which is dedicated to scholarships. Ken Watts had to resign as chairman due to health issues and Wendal Hildebrandt was appointed to fill Ken’s vacancy. Johnny Wetzel remains as Vice Chair, George Brown is Secretary, and Mike Briggs is Treasurer. Elections for board members will be held in November of 2020 for the year 2021, date to be determined. The board is, currently, exploring ways to raise money. He, then passed out certificates of appreciation.
The “feed the cops” program was funded by the FoH and passing the hat. James Morris stated the “feed the cops” is NOT a charity. $150 was given to Tino-V’s and no figure has come in from Richie’s. This provided lunches from Thanksgiving to New Years.
James Dugger asked if we will be meeting monthly or bi-monthly. Wendal moved that we have a meeting every month and if no speakers are available, someone from our ranks could volunteer to speak. Motion passed unanimously.
Roman asked about a meeting/dinner at Richie’s and was referred to James Dugger, Chairman of the Hospitality Committee. He said he had a dinner scheduled for Jan’s with date and time to be determined.
Wayne closed the meeting
Ron Miranda
Secretary for HAWKS